The SEBI registration required for giving advice or buy/sell/hold recommendations to individual and group of individuals and on behalf of that you can charge for your services. Now a days many Individuals and working professionals have many queries regarding the SEBI Research Analyst License and how to proceed and what are the documents required for the SEBI Research analyst license.
In my previous post as I already mentioned the minimum educational and experience qualifications for the SEBI Research analyst license. If you are qualifying for all the criteria then you need to maintain the documents which need to be submitted while applying or in between the SEBI Research analyst registration process.
Here, I am mentioning the basics documents which is required for the SEBI Research analyst licence, the documents can vary from person to person. It solely depends on the SEBI officer who are looking your application for the licence. If they need further documents or clarifications they will contact you through mail or through the SEBI registration portal. You just need to provide them the documents they seek within 15 days from the query/notifications failing which will reject your applications for the SEBI Research analyst license.
The List of Basic Documents which need to maintain while applying for the SEBI Research analyst license are:
- Valid Educational Qualifications or work experience with NISM series XV exam as mentioned by the SEBI in Research analyst regulations.
- Ownership property details from where you want to start your Research analyst business.
- Proof of Birth Certificate
- School Leaving Certificate
- Company registration/Partnership deed in case you are applying for other than Individuals
- Net-worth certificate
- Valid Bank Account details
- Individual profiles
- Business Plan, Terms and Conditions & Declarations
- Last 3 Year ITR and Bank Account Statement
- Office space and services offered and plan for growth etc
These are the compulsory documents you need to submit in the SEBI portal for Research analyst license. The SEBI officer will further ask for various documents and clarifications before giving licence to you. So be prepared for all the queries asked by the SEBI officer in future.