When you are transacting with credit card you are getting rewards points on every transaction. That reward points will benefit you in many ways, you can redeem your reward points at tie-up outlets or many credit card companies are giving you the option to redeem directly into cash.
Today we will know how to redeem hdfc bank credit card reward points directly into cash:
The first step is to login your hdfc bank net banking if you are a hdfc bank credit card holder.
After login your hdfc bank net banking, click on card option mention above
After clicking on cards option, check left hand side of net banking you will see third option Enquire, Click on Enquire and after that click on Redeem Reward Points.
If you have more than one credit card or only one credit card click on the box mention in front of your credit cards.
Make sure Pop-Up option is enable in your browser and click on continue.
You will see your rewards point in Available Reward Points section. Minimum points equivalent to Rs.500 required to redeem your reward points into cash. In HDFC bank credit card 5 points is equivalent to Rs.1 (It may vary from card to card)
You can choose any options above but if you want to withdraw your points as cash then you have to select cash option mention above.
Once you click on cash option you get Equivalent Amount (INR) of all your available points. If the amount is greater than Rs.500 then only you are eligible to withdraw. Then click on PROCEED
Your redeemed cash amount will credited to your hdfc bank credit card not in hdfc bank within 2-3 working days from the redemption date.
NOTE: Cashback credit will not be considered as payment for the last statement it will be adjusted towards the next statement balance.
Example: If your statement is already generated lets say Rs.10,500 amount due on 6th Sep in hdfc bank credit card then you need to pay whole 10,500 in your hdfc bank credit card. suppose your redemption cash balance is Rs.500 then it will not set-off with your previous amount due i.e: 10,500 due.
This redemption cashback amount of Rs.500 will be minus from the outstanding amount in next month statement or if your statement is not generated then it will be set-off with outstanding balance.
Then click on confirm
The amount redeemed will be credited to your hdfc bank credit card in 2-3 working days and it will reflect in your next hdfc bank credit card statement.
Hope this article helps you to redeem your hdfc credit card points into cash.