These persons are Exempted from the SEBI® Investment adviser registration.

The following persons shall not be required to seek registration under regulation 3 subject
to the fulfillment of the conditions stipulated therefor,

  1. Any person who gives general comments in good faith in regard to trends in the financial or securities market or the economic situation where such comments do not specify any particular securities or investment product;
  2. Any insurance agent or insurance broker who offers investment advice solely in insurance products and is registered with Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority for such activity;
  3. Any pension advisor who offers investment advice solely on pension products and is registered with Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority for such activity;
  4. Any distributor of mutual funds, who is a member of a self regulatory organisation recognised by the Board or is registered with an association of asset management companies of mutual funds, providing any investment advice to its clients incidental to its primary activity;
  5. companies of mutual funds, providing any investment advice to its clients incidental to its primary activity;
  6. Any member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India, Actuarial Society of India or any other professional body as may be specified by the Board, who provides investment advice to their clients, incidental to his professional service;
  7. Any stock broker or sub-broker registered under SEBI (Stock Broker and SubBroker) Regulations, 1992, portfolio manager registered under SEBI (Portfolio Managers) Regulations, 1993 or merchant banker registered under SEBI (Merchant Bankers) Regulations, 1992, who provides any investment advice to its clients incidental to their primary activity: Provided that such intermediaries shall comply with the general obligation(s) and responsibilities as specified in Chapter III of these regulations: Provided further that existing portfolio manager offering only investment advisory services may apply for registration under these regulations after expiry of his current certificate of registration as a portfolio manager;
  8. Provided further that existing portfolio manager offering only investment advisory services may apply for registration under these regulations after expiry of his current certificate of registration as a portfolio manager;
  9. Any person who provides investment advice exclusively to clients based out of India: Provided that persons providing investment advice to Non-Resident Indian or Person of Indian Origin shall fall within the purview of these regulations;
  10. Any other person as may be specified by the Board.

Don’t use general comment Investment advise as your profession and start charging Investors for your solely Investment advice comments without SEBI Investment Adviser registration.

Above are the general exemptions which are inclined to their professions.

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