Investor Charter in respect of Research Analyst (RA)

In order to facilitate investor awareness about various activities which an investor deals with while availing the services provided by research analysts, SEBI has developed an Investor Charter for Research Analysts. This Charter is a brief document containing details of services provided to investors, their rights, dos and don’ts, responsibilities, investor grievance handling mechanism and estimated timelines thereof etc., at one single place, in a lucid language, for ease of reference.

All registered Research Analysts are advised to bring to the notice of their clients the Investor Charter as provided at Annexure- A by prominently displaying on their websites and mobile applications. Research Analysts not having websites/mobile applications shall, as a one-time measure, send Investor Charter to the investors on their registered e-mail address.

Additionally, in order to enhance transparency in grievance redressal, Research Analyst (RA) shall disclose on their websites/mobile applications, all complaints including SCORES complaints received by them in the format mentioned in AnnexureB on a monthly basis. The information shall be made available by 07th of the succeeding month. Research Analysts not having websites/mobile applications shall send status of Investor Complaints to the investors on their registered email on a monthly basis in compliance of this circular.

Ex: July Months complaints you have to disclose by 7th of Aug; If you received Zero complaint then you have to display Zero in complaint box.

Further, Research Analysts are advised to display link/option to lodge complaint with them directly on their websites and mobile apps. Additionally, link to SCORES website/ link to download mobile app (SEBI SCORES) may also be provided.

SCORES facilitates you to lodge your complaint online with SEBI and subsequently view its status.

Below are you Investor Charter in respect of Research Analyst (RA). You need to copy and paste in your website as per the compliance.

You need to write above investor charter in your website or mobile app. Please go through regular updates done in RA Investor charter and the same will update in your website or mobile app.

You can download your latest Investor charter from SEBI website and keep an eye on any updates regarding that.

Hope this article helps you to solve your query.

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