Formats for investors complaints data to be disclosed monthly by RAs on their website/mobile application:
Data for the month ending –_
Additionally, in order to enhance transparency in grievance redressal, Research Analyst (RA) shall disclose on their websites/mobile applications, all complaints including SCORES complaints received by them in the format mentioned in AnnexureB on a monthly basis. The information shall be made available by 07th of the succeeding month. Research Analysts not having websites/mobile applications shall send status of Investor Complaints to the investors on their registered email on a monthly basis in compliance of this circular.
Example: Upto July month complaint data should be published on or before 7th of August by next month.
Keep an eye of SEBI circulars for any change in notifications and update the same in your website. The image attached above is the prescribed format for the complaints received by Research Analyst (RAs) and the same should be shown in their websites and mobile app every month on or before 7th.
Research Analysts not having websites/mobile applications shall send status of Investor Complaints to the investors on their registered email on a monthly basis in compliance of this circular.
Hope this article helps you to solve your query.